Turn the power on in your name for the date you are to move in....
You will need the address to the unit and sometimes the previous tenants last name. Be patient, they are not easy to deal with. Make sure you have at least 20 to 30 min phone time when you call for hook up.
New Tenant Move in Check List:
Kitchen cabinets are clean inside and out.
Refrigerator and freezer is clean inside and out
Stove is clean inside and outside including burner pans
Microwave is clean inside and out ( if microwave exist)
Kitchen counters are clean
Kitchen floor is clean
Kitchen cabinets are clean inside and out
Bathroom or bathroom’s floor are clean
Bath vanity or vanities are clean inside and outside
Mirror’s are clean in bath area or area’s
Toilet (s) is clean inside and outside
Tub/shower(s )are clean inside and outside
All closet shelving is clean and free of dust
All carpet is clean and vacuumed ( if carpet exist)
All hardwoods are mopped and are clean ( if hardwood exist)
Tile floors are swept and mopped and are clean
Window’s are washed inside
Garage is swept clean and free of garbage and debris
If there is any damage or if something is not clean please write in the section below:
We, the tenant’s accept the apartment/ house/ town house in the condition it is. We agree that it has been left in good condition.
We agree to leave the unit in the same condition upon vacating.